Great passion with material sacrifice, jubilant crowds and determined rejection are all part of today’s journey through chapter twelve. These different scenes give the reader the opportunity to see how people reacted to the words and works of Jesus. It allows the reader to understand how God would have us to respond to Jesus.
Chapter 12 Study Questions
- What do you think was Mary’s motive for anointing Jesus’ feet the way she did? (12:3)
- What motive did Judas have for offering an alternative way to utilize the expensive oil that Mary used to anoint Jesus’ feet? (12:6)
- Which one out of these two do you think demonstrated with their actions that they were true followers of Jesus?
- Why did the Jewish leaders want to end Lazarus’ life? (12:10-11)
- Who were the crowds proclaiming Jesus to be as he came into Jerusalem? (12:13)
- Jesus said that, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified” (12:23). What event do you think is about to take place? (12:33)
- Who does a person have to serve if they desire the honor of the Father? (12:26)
- Jesus was distressed as he anticipated his death upon the cross. Did Jesus’ distress deter him from proceeding with the plan of the Father? (12:27)
- Some people are blind to who Jesus is, others see who He is but refuse to confess that he is the Christ. Who’s praise do you value more; God’s or man’s? (12:43)
- Jesus said, “The one who sees me sees the one who sent me.” Who is Jesus claiming to be? (12:44-45)
- What does God give to those who believe His words? (12:50)