Chapter 14 Study Questions
- In the midst of trouble many people may turn to God for help. What does Jesus instruct his followers to do? (14:1) Do you think Jesus is implying that He is to be trusted just as God is to be trusted?
- Jesus had made it clear that he is “going away.” For what reason is Jesus going away and what does Jesus give his followers to look forward to? (14:2-3)
- To whose house is Jesus going? (14:1)
- Does Jesus leave any other options open for a person to have a proper relationship with the Father? (14:6)
- Would seeing God increase your faith in God? Do you believe Jesus’ words when he says, “The person who has seen me has seen the Father.” (14:9)
- Jesus is clearly teaching that his words and works are the words and works of the Father. Has Jesus said or done anything that would bring doubt upon this claim?
- What does Jesus say is the outcome of love for him? (14:15)
- What is one’s relationship to the Father if they love and obey Jesus? (14:21)
- Jesus promises an advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be sent from the Father. (14:26) How would this promise encourage his disciples?
- Jesus is the only person who has overcome the evil of sin that destroys peace. Do you think that this puts Jesus in a place to offer a peace to people that only he can give? (14:27) Are you willing to accept the peace that only Jesus gives?