Are you really good at something? Whether it’s a sport, a field of study, a profession or a hobby, most people have that one thing in which they truly excel. On this third stage of our journey we are going to meet a person such as this. His name was Nicodemus and he excelled in understanding the Old Testament and God’s regulations that were written in it. Although Nicodemus knew a lot about the Bible, he struggled to figure out who Jesus was.
Chapter 3 Study Questions
- Do you think Nicodemus was right in seeing Jesus’ miracles as an indication that Jesus was sent from God? (3:2)
- “Unless a person is born from _____________, he cannot ______________ the kingdom of God.” Did Nicodemus properly understand what Jesus was saying? (3:3-4)
- What are the 2 births described? (3:6)
- Which one of these two births is required so that a person can have fellowship with God in his kingdom? (3:5)
- Although Jesus’ words may have been new to Nicodemus, Jesus tells Nicodemus that he and his disciples “speak about what we ____________ and testify about what we have ____________.” (3:11)
- Jesus is the only one that has _____________ from Heaven. Does this make his teaching trustworthy? (3:13)
- When Jesus says that he will be “lifted up” (death on the cross), what will his death accomplish for those who believe in him? (3:14-15)
- Has God expressed love or condemnation to the world? (3:16)
- What did God do as an act of love toward the world? (3:16)
- For those who believe in the one whom God has sent, what will NOT happen to them? (3:16, 18) What WILL they have? (3:16)
- Jesus is portrayed as the light that comes into the world. While some people choose to stay in darkness, what do others go towards? (3:19-21).
- Why do people still choose darkness rather than light? (3:20)